Beating the boss once after a theoretically infinite number of save scummings may just be a fluke, but beating a difficult boss 50 to 500 times in a row shows not only mastery of the game, but also superhuman patience. The Infinity+1 Sword is not only dropped only by the ultra-difficult Bonus Boss, but it only has a 1% chance of dropping it, and there is only one of that boss in the game. Other games, however, especially Japanese-made games designed with the "maniacs" in mind, not only validate it as a tactic, but make it utterly mandatory for One Hundred Percent Completion. This is not to be confused with Lucas Arts' SCUMM game engine, when Lucas Arts' games are generally much more forgiving than their Sierra counterparts. The term Save Scumming comes from the Roguelike community, which has long frowned on the practice (most roguelike games prevent this by erasing a save file as soon as you load it, however, this puts the player's entire game at risk in the event of a crash) and thus categorized save/reload as one of the many forms of "scummy" behavior honorable players eschew. Even worse, wiser games will even call you out for actually trying to feed it an invalid saved file! Some games kick it up to 11 by actually detecting whether you cheated by Save-Swapping, trying to obfuscate the game which deletes a saved game by manually putting back a copy of the said save file right after deletion by the game into its save folder. Some games modify this by giving you limited amounts of saves (similar to Video Game Lives but perhaps allowing some strategy), bonuses for low numbers of saves, or immediately erasing/saving a game whenever you die or do something important (Iron Man mode). Saving before the branching point(s) lets you go back through from where it twisted at your convenience. Not all games with several endings have New Game+ as an option, and even if they do, sometimes you just don't want to run through the entire game for the sake of another ending. In a somewhat less depressing way, this might still be practiced if a game has Multiple Endings with identifiable branching points. Seasoned savescummers will make multiple saves throughout the game so they can go back to the part that they messed up on. And woe befall you if you save a game after a non-obvious error that makes the game Unwinnable. Although sometimes, it's the only way to even win a Luck-Based Mission, no matter how good you are, or it's the only way to get a very rare item. Or maybe you're just not that good at the game.
It could be because the game demands Trial and Error Gameplay, or perhaps you have a limited number of tries to get the RNG to get a favorable result. Basically, you save the game whenever you get a result you like, and restore the saved game whenever you get a result you don't like. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

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